by Yvonne Frazier | Jan 5, 2015 | Speaking Of Speaking
For this, my first blog designed for speakers both business and casual, I would like to share some basic yet useful solutions.
One of the most common pitfalls people make during public speaking, is to dwell on what not to do while in the middle of giving a presentation. For instance, to tell yourself to stop speaking so quickly will, more often than not, increase the rate of speed of your speech or talk. It is almost as if the brain ... read more »
by Yvonne Frazier | Jan 5, 2015 | Bella Voce, Speaking Of Speaking
Your voice at its very best requires that you unleash your authentic voice. Taking both the spoken and the sung voice into consideration, your authentic voice can be applied several ways.
In singing, which I like to think of as elongated and sustained speech, whatever style you chose, finding your distinctive voice means finding your authentic voice in order to unleash it. The optimal goal is to have a ringing, radiant voice ... read more »
by Yvonne Frazier | Dec 14, 2014 | Legal Alien In Berlin, Yvonne Stories
Yvonne Stories
Yvonne Stories is a title given to unlikely encounters that have been happening to me my entire life, by many friends I have shared them with throughout the years. In fact, after having sent the following story for my first blog with this title to a few friends one friend, who has known me for well over 30 years, wrote back and commented not only had such encounters often happened to me but that often life somehow ... read more »
by Yvonne Frazier | Dec 4, 2014 | Legal Alien In Berlin
All day long November 9th, I kept changing my mind about going or not to this evening’s closing event after three days of remembrances. Friends had planned to celebrate at the Brandenburg Gate but there was no question that I would join them as I am not a fan of crowds. At some point closer to the appointed time, an American friend and colleague of mine living in Southern Germany sent me an email asking if I would attend the ... read more »
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