For Speakers
A strong voice and confident presentation increase productivityWhether your line of work occasionally requires that you deliver a speech or give a reading or if you are a public speaking professional, who needs to improve presentation skills, feel encouraged to schedule an initial session. During this session I will present a basic outline of the methods and fundamental techniques I use. Based on your input, I will make an assessment of challenges, which need to be addressed, and will provide customized solutions and a plan to suit your immediate or long term needs.
Performance & Presentation Solutions Training
In weekly succession, for the first 4 to 6 weeks, I offer introductory PPS training sessions. During the introductory sessions, you will be exposed to a full range of voice and body techniques and performance training. Together, we will quickly discover where emphasis for training should lie, for example: more focus on vocal technique, body work, presentation or if concentration on all areas equally would be more suitable.
Introductory Training – Goals and Benefits:
You will begin to:
- Acquire a standard vocal technique which allows your voice to withstand hours of use.
- Develop or build presence, performance & presentation skills
- Maintain a calm but effective level of vocal and body performance & presentation in all situations
- Release old habits which inhibit or no longer serve a positive purpose
- Gain a better sense of how to use your voice in support of information communication
- Transcend weaknesses by transforming them into strengths
- Attain and incorporate immediate and authentic communication
This is achieved through:
- Solid vocal production, clear diction, body awareness
- Correct use of your voice and bodily support
- Effective presentation and delivery
- Authentic and direct connection with material and audience
Which will allow you to begin to:
- Learn while doing as you apply solutions
- Have fun with the process
- Transform fear of public speaking into successful presentations
Above all you will:
- Discover some of the limitless possibilities in vocal production and information presentation
- Experience increased confidence and productivity
- Enjoy the success you deserve
Introductory Training – In Four To Six Sessions
General Outline
- First Session: Consultation ~ Assessment ~ Proposal
- Exercises: The body as an instrument, posture, breathing, vocal placement
- Second Session: The ringing/projected voice, speech (vowels/consonants), atmosphere, posture (for instance. mimic, gestures)
- Exercises: Breathing techniques, posture, vocal placement, glottal stops
- Third to Fifth Session: Preparation for final session’s free speech: walking into a room, introducing yourself, working with props i.e.: black board, power point, table, chairs etc.
- Exercises: Posture, breathing, vowels and consonants, glottal stops, mimic, gestures, walking
- Conclusion:
- Exercises: As usual
- Assignment: 3 – 5 – 7 minute speech
Critique – Feedback – Conclusion

For the healthy development, maintenance and sustainability of your voice, performance and presentation, I offer a straightforward, standard, vocal technique combined with attention to the mind – body –voice – connection.
Create a dynamic atmosphere that engages, enlightens and inspires.
Adapt your style to the occasion or event
Develop presence to connect with others through relaxed concentration
Build balanced, dynamic, effective, information communication
Enhance your confidence and your narrative with a solid vocal delivery
Unleashing your authentic voice means that authenticity overrides form.

“For my book tour in which, as the author, I would be reading from my book, I prepared by taking voice lessons with Yvonne Frazier. The result of the hours I invested was that my voice developed a beautiful, full sound.
Above all, Yvonne recognized my particular challenge as author and helped to boost my self confidence in that together, we held practice readings similar to those I would be faced with on tour. The practice sessions together with the voice lessons were enormously helpful.
Yvonne Frazier is an excellent voice teacher and a fantastic coach, whose training I can wholeheartedly recommend.”
Elka Piepgras,
Copy-editor and writer at ZEITmagazin (comparable to New York Times Magazine)
Author of “Meine Freundin, die Nonne” (“My Friend, The Nun)
“… and here is something, which needs to be said:
your classes are fantastic. It is not only that I have a lot of fun while exercising with you, but also that I feel a lot of energy afterwards. Not to mention that I feel much more confident with my voice even now.
Besides, I am learning a lot! thank you!”
Tobias Ebling
Yvonne Frazier worked with me and my team on our presentation skills, including voice, body language and self-esteem.
Yvonne really helped me in a wonderful way to be more aware of the impact of my voice, my gestures and my posture.
After the introductory training sessions, I have seen improvement in my team in many areas. As well, each member of my team gained a higher sense of self.
Myriel Walter,
Membership Manager, Soho House Berlin